Profiles can be renamed by selecting the profile to be renamed and clicking the button. The new profile's name will be that of the original profile with " - Copy" appended. To clone a profile, select the profile to be cloned and click the button. New profiles can be created by cloning, duplicating, an existing profile.
Then, simply choosing the appropriate profile and clicking the Start button will perform the actions of the pipeline job associated with that profile according to the configuration settings associated with the profile. Profiles can be set up for compiling and cooking, cooking and packaging, cooking and packaging and deploying, etc. Unreal Fonrtend uses profiles as a way to quickly and easily allow switching between building different games, different targets, etc. A configuration profile is an individual collection of all configurations settings as well as pipeline job setup. The Profile List displays all the existing configuration profiles. Step Enabled - Toggles whether the game will be deployed to connected mobile devices as part of the pipeline job.Deploy to iOS device - Deploys the packaged game to connected iOS devices.Options and actions for the pipeline step that deploys the packaged game to connected mobile devices.
Clean and Full Recook - Re-cooks all the packages.Options and actions pertaining to the Cook step of the pipeline. Step Enabled - Toggles whether scripts will be compiled as part of the pipeline job.Full Recompile - Re-compiles all script.Compile Scripts - Just compiles script.Options and actions pertaining to the Compile Script step of the pipeline. Start: Cook INIs only - Run the pipeline, but only cook the INIs.Start: Full Recook - Run the pipeline and force packages to be re-cooked.Start: Rebuild Script - Run the pipeline and force the scripts to be re-compiled.Start - Starts the current pipeline job.
The Toolbar in Unreal Frontend is used to launch individual tasks, configure and launch a job (or series of tasks), launch UnrealConsole, or reboot all selected targets. The Unreal Frontend interface consists of four main areas: